NAGA Referee Application

Thank you for your interest in becoming a NAGA referee. NAGA holds over 70 events a year. NAGA referees have the opportunity to officiate tournaments throughout the United States and the world.  NAGA certified referees are well paid, and NAGA covers travel and hotel.

Please complete the form to join our referee program. The NAGA referee training coordinator will contact you with further details. We look forward to you joining our team.


    Enter your rank in BJJ. If not ranked in BJJ, please list your rank in the grappling art you train.

    Enter the name of the school where you train.

    0 Years1-2 years3-4 years5+ years

    Select the number of years of experience you have refereeing grappling tournaments.



    NAGA referees need to be able to work on Friday to set up and check-in competitors.

    Let us know if you have used the Smoothcomp tournament management system.

    Let us know who you have reffed for and the approximate timeframe. Also include any information you feel would be important for us to know. List any references and their contact information. If no experience then enter 'N/A'.